Carol Cassidy, Former Recording Secretary
Southern Skies Annual Meeting 4/11/10
Location – 17309 Vinola Lane, Montverde, FL 34756
Meeting called to order by President Pam Hind @1:15
Members Attending: Claire Koshar, Liz Mound, Kathi Leonhardt, Tiffany Hogan, Jeff Hogan, Carol Cassidy, Marge Cassidy, Katy Postrozny, Jackie Fried, Leasa Gowett, Jim Bateman, Rick Post, Donna Post, Kelli Riggs, Joe Riggs, Joyce Frazer, Alison Schultz, Rob Bitler, Jinny Courtney, Mary Smith, Jeff Speicher, Lana Rowison, Elizabeth Baugh, Cheryl Mellon, Pam Hind
Guests: Linda Sloan, Betty Frazer
Recording secretary report –Carol Cassidy
By - written report
Minutes were handed out and passed along to the members attending.
Motion to approve minutes -Jeff Speicher, 2nd Rob Bitler
Membership secretary – Jeanette Phillips
Membership Secretary’s Report
The current membership consists of 30 families and 48 total members.
10 Families have not renewed as of April 6, 2021 but are expected to. Several members are expected to renew at the Annual Meeting.
There have not been any new members since the last report, although a prospective member recently filled out the new website’s online form and is expected to mail a paper copy and check soon.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanette Phillips
Membership Secretary
Field Report – Kathi Leonhardt
The Southern Skies FCRC 2010 Field Report
2010 started with business as usual, training groups throughout Florida met on their scheduled days. In March, SSFCRC hosted a Mitch White seminar again. I am happy to report that unlike last year where we actually lost money, this year's seminar was a financial success. We madeover a thousand dollars after expenses. We had a huge turn-out - all the working spots pretty much filled spontaneously, and this year we had more auditors than last.
Here's looking forward to more field in 2010 and beyond....
Alison was announced as the new Field Chair.
Obedience: Joyce Frazer
Obedience report/DOCOF -
1.Last year we were not able to get a team together for DOCOF
2. This year we will! I would very much like more participation from member/flattieson DOCOF & I will do what I can to see that it happens, and would enjoy any suggestions. Along with the fun dog event, there is a dinner the night before that’s a lot of fun. Good way to meet some nice folks that love their dogs as we do. The event is on Labor Day weekend.
Thanks again, Joyce
Treasurer – Leasa Gowett
Treasurer’s Report
March 31, 2021
Previous Balance $5,165.67
9/16/2009 |
$320.00 |
9/16/2009 |
$30.00 |
10/16/2009 |
$125.00 |
10/22/2009 |
$60.00 |
12/7/2021 |
$84.00 |
1/26/2010 |
$135.00 |
1/26/2010 |
$310.00 |
3/19/2010 |
$3,525.00 |
Total Deposits (9/16/09 – 3/31/10) $4,589.00
9/13/2009 |
1110 |
$74.74 |
Thomas Gowett |
Kodak Archive CDs |
9/30/2009 |
RTNck |
$15.50 |
Debit Acct |
Bank Service Fee for Returned check (Mc) |
10/12/2021 |
RTNck |
$20.00 |
Debit Acct |
Returned 3rd party check for 20.00 (Mc) |
10/22/2009 |
1111 |
$239.40 |
Elizabeth Mound |
Items for Supported (White Pine - Inv 24245) |
10/22/2009 |
1113 |
$142.00 |
Joan Dever |
Items for Supported (Michael Steddum) |
10/22/2009 |
1114 |
$3.87 |
Thomas Gowett |
Shipping for Archive CDs |
11/3/2021 |
1115 |
$56.52 |
Carol Cassidy |
Items for Supported (Sam's) |
11/7/2021 |
1116 |
$68.38 |
Joyce Frazer |
Supported Expenses - Food |
11/7/2021 |
1117 |
$150.00 |
Kass Goulding |
Trophy/Artwork on Plaques |
11/7/2021 |
1118 |
$199.20 |
Francis Powrie |
Airline Expenses for Judging |
11/16/2009 |
1119 |
$249.39 |
Liz Mound |
Supported Expenses |
12/2/2022 |
1120 |
$79.82 |
Joan Dever |
Items for Supported (Michael Steddum) |
12/12/2021 |
1121 |
$45.38 |
Marge Cassidy |
Supplies for Xmas Party |
1/25/2010 |
1122 |
$200.00 |
Charlotte Miller |
Donation - Charlotte B. Miller Fund |
2/3/2022 |
1123 |
$367.00 |
Pictogram |
Website setup fees |
2/4/2021 |
1124 |
$75.00 |
Pit Stop |
Porto let for - Mitch White Seminar - Mar 2010 |
2/9/2021 |
$8.00 |
Debit Acct |
Commercial Service Charges - Wachovia |
3/10/2021 |
1125 |
$17.34 |
Carol Cassidy |
Postage - SSFCRC Annual Meeting Flyer |
3/11/2021 |
1126 |
$1,993.00 |
GameKeepers |
Mitch White Seminar Fee |
3/17/2010 |
1127 |
$33.09 |
Thomas Gowett |
Samples from Big Frog (Ways & Means) |
3/19/2010 |
1128 |
$357.54 |
Kathi Leonhardt |
Mitch White Seminar Expenses |
3/25/2010 |
1129 |
788.88 |
Big Frog |
Ways & Means Annual Supply Order |
Total Expenses (9/13/09-3/31/10) $5,184.05
Current Balance (3/31/10 ) $4,570.62
Respectfully submitted this day, March 31, 2010:
Leasa M. Gowett
Leasa M. Gowett - SSFCRC, Treasurer
WC/WCX Report from Claire Koshar –
WC/WCX Committee Report 2009-2010
Although the Club sponsored an alternative field event during this year, no WC/WCX test was held by the Club. It is felt, by some members of the Committee, that in order to provide a measurable test for our dogs, Southern Skies Flat-Coated Retriever Club should provide WC/WCX Tests on an annual basis. In order for this to happen we will need to broaden our volunteer base to include co-chairs and co-secretaries for this event. There would be the expectation that the co-chairs would go on, in subsequent years, to chair the event.
In 1996, Beth Meany established the Lucy Award in honor of CH Destiny Grand Illusion, CD, MH, WCX. Florida’s first flat-coated retriever Master Hunter. Each year, at a WC/WCX test, generally sponsored by the Club, the dog whose work best demonstrates flat-coated retriever style and ability is designated as the winner of the Lucy Award. His or her name is inscribed on the plaque. We need to be sure that all winners have been recognized and that the Club will assume the responsibility of keeping the plaque current.
It is our hope that training days will be provided to prepare dogs and handlers for upcoming WC/WCX tests.
See you all outstanding in the field.
Claire Koshar
Liz Mound, Co-Chairs
Notes: The Board voted to have a WC/WCX every year.
Claire Koshar & Liz Mound will co-Chair the WC/WCX, Jeff Speicher will be the Hunt Test Secretary. Jim Bateman volunteered to help wherever needed.
The WC/WCX committee will handle the Lucy Award responsibilities.
Conformation/ Supported Entry –
Chair - Carol Cassidy, Committee: Liz Mound & Kathi Leonhardt
Hernando County Kennel Club
Where: Brooksville, FL
Date: Saturday, November 13
Judge for Regular/Non-Regular classes:
We don't know at this time but submitted a list to the club.
We will offer Puppy & Veteran Sweeps again.
The Supported Entry Committee has selected Andrea Holsinger as this year’s Sweeps Judge! She has agreed and is very honored and excited about being chosen.
We will start the trophy fund in the coming months. An email will be sent as has been done in past years.
Once all the details are known, Larry Mound will submit a flyer to be placed in the National Newsletter.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Cassidy, Liz Mound, Kathi Leonhardt
Web site – Web Master Report April 2009- April 2010
1. New website successfully launched early summer 2009. We encourage any new content/ updates to be emailed directly to We prefer any text content be provided as a soft copy in Word or rich text file.
2. E-commerce package was purchased early summer, but has not been implemented due to filing status as a 503 non-profit organization and establishing a club PayPal account. Hopefully this issue can be resolved soon.
3. Still need input/content for the following web pages:
- Club History
- Limited contributions to “Our Dogs page (submissions - 1)
- Member web sites (Submissions - 0)
4. Upon election of new officers for the club, possibly some one can take close-up headshots of newly elected officers and Board members so we can place photos into current Officers & Board webpage.
5. The Ways & means store can also be created to purchase club items online, membership dues etc. as soon as the club Filing status, PayPal and bank account can be established as stated in item 2.
6. Club Newsletter PDFs have been posted up to August 2009. We have not received any new editions since August.
7. Club membership form completed and active on website. Current submission email recipient: Jeanette Phillips
Ways and Means – Chairs - Leasa Gowett, Carol & Marge Cassidy, Committee: Jeff Speicher & Jim Bateman
Your Ways and Means committee has been busy…we are very happy to report that we have just received our order of some brand new items. All in which we will offer to the Club today!
36 T-Shirts in three different colors and a variety of sizes.
20 Coasters
20 Koozies
10 Aprons
We also have SSFCRC bandana’s for all the dogs attending today’s festivities!
Liaison with National Club - Joan Dever – No report due to illness
Education - PJ Lacette – No report
Newsletter – No report
Rescue – Southern Skies Flat Coated Retriever Club
Rescue Division
2010 Annual Report
Tiffany Hogan
In February or March of this year I was asked if I would be interested in taking the place of Donna Chocianowski who had to resign the post of Rescue Chairperson.
I used to do rescue on my own a few years ago, just Labrador Retrievers. I am still learning the ropes and do appreciate all the help I have received from so many people. I had to create a new email address just to handle all the correspondence. I have to thank everyone who has helped me out, apologize to everyone that I have bothered, and hope I can count on some of you for help in the future. I will learn the ins and outs as soon as possible and try not to bother anyone too much.
A couple of days later Donna forwarded an email to me from a couple looking for a new flat coated retriever and then a couple of days later another one; So much for not too much happening in rescue. J
The first couple: Renae & Rodney Moyer, live in the panhandle and were not in a hurry as they had to put their dog down last year and now they are ready to replace her. Looking for a 6 month to two-year-old male, would take a mix as long as it looked and acted like a flat-coated retriever. Success, they are in contact with Patty McClain to make arrangements to pick up their new bundle of joy in Georgia, either tomorrow (Friday – April 9th) or at the beginning of next week.
The second couple: Veva and Stan Buffington who live outside of Brooksville were in a hurry as they put down their Dusky just last month and their little Sheltie “Tyndal” was in a state of depression. They were looking for another Dusky. With the help of a lot of very kind, helpful and understanding people, we found him. They named the new one Shadow as in “Duskys’ shadow”. They said he looks and acts so much like their Dusky that it is eerie.
They met Patty McClain in Ocala to pick up their dog, and were ever so gracious to accept two other dogs and hold them at their house for myself and someone else to pick up.
Both of these couples are interested in joining the club and I welcomed them to join. Gave them the website to fill out the application on line, and Veva and Stan are planning on attending the Annual Fun Day festivities this weekend. If Renae and Rodney are not out of town picking up their dog, they may join us also.
Last week Donna forwarded another email to me of someone in the Miami area that is looking for a very young FCR, male or female doesn’t matter. I do not have specifics on them as of yet as they have not sent the application back to me.
I have met so many great people since I started and I am looking forward to meeting many more. Dog people are the best and Flat Coat people are even better.
Thanking everyone in advance for any help they may provide me with in the future.
Tiffany Hogan - Southern Skies Flat Coated Retriever Club- Rescue Division
Notes: Katy Postrozny commended our previous Rescue Chair Donna Chocianowski, who served for 10 years in this position.
Nominating Committee: Liz Mound, Alison Schultz, Cheryl Mellon, Mary Smith
The 2010 Nominating Committee was appointed and consisted of Mary Smith, Alison Schultz, Cheryl Mellon, and Elizabeth Mound (named as chair). The committee decided to approach the task a little differently this year and requested that individuals interested in holding a position complete a questionnaire. We also asked that if a member wanted to suggest another person for a position that they complete provide the name, position, and why they thought that individual would be a good candidate, that all current officer and board members, that wanted to continue in office, answer the same questions. The committee reviewed the responses from all and determined the slate which was submitted to the Recording Secretary on March 19, 2010.
Respectfully Submitted,
2010 Nominating Committee
Elizabeth Mound, Chair Mary Smith Cheryl Mellon Alison Schultz
The 2010 Nominating Committee puts forward the following individuals, in the position listed for the 2010 elections:
President – Kathi Leonhardt
Vice President – Carol Cassidy
Recording Secretary – Jeff Speicher
Membership Secretary – Cheryl Mellon
Treasurer – Leasa Gowett
Board – Pam Hind
Board – Donna Post
Board – Rob Bitler
Board – Jinny Courtney
Pam asked if there were any other nominations…there was none.
All positions were voted upon and the list of new Officers and Board members are as listed above.
New business –
Amend By-laws- The Board puts forth a motion to amend the By-Laws, adding Honorary Lifetime Memberships to Claire Koshar & Pam Hind, both who served honorably as past Presidents of our Club. Also, a few other non-Southern Skies members, but very active in our Club’s various events, Elizabeth Masters, Charlotte Miller & Mr. & Mrs. Kim Hitchcock to be added as Honorary members. Thank you Liz Mound for this idea and presenting it to the Board and to the membership!
Mary Smith suggests that we vote via secret ballot on any future honorees. Alison Schultz suggests this process take place at our Annual Meeting each year.
Vote carried.
Joan Dever update: Joan has been in the hospital since March 21. As of today, she has been moved to a rehab facility so that she can get her strength back. She should be going home very soon to her beloved dogs. Gen (Joan’s daughter) asks that cards are welcome and Joan loves getting them. Today we have a Get Well card for us all to sign. We will send that card to her along with a new SSFCRC shirt.
Charlotte Miller update: The fundraiser last month for Charlotte was a big success…over $4,000 was raised! Charlotte’s sister Barbara was especially thankful to our SSFCRC, as she says we were the first to reach out to her to help. Our Club has sent numerous Get Well cards and many members have done so individually as well as have sent donations. Our Club via a Board vote/decision sent $200 to Charlotte’s Fund.
Leasa -
Our current bank has changed hands and is no longer Wachovia, it is now owned by Wells Fargo. We will get new checks to reflect this. Also, the new bank does not require two-signature checks. In the past, both Treasurer and President were required to sign. We will have to move our account to a single signature of just the Treasurer.
Thank You –
To Pam, for serving as our President for the past 4-years. Kathi presented Pam with a lovely dark brown and black Leather Lanyard, representing both colors of our breed from our Club. We know she will enjoy this as the Field is Pam’s greatest love spending time with her Flat-Coats.
Thank You –
Jim & Jeff for your kind hospitality in hosting today’s activities.
Old Business –
An audit on the Treasury “books” was completed successfully on 4/3/10 at the Palmetto, FL Dog Show. Audit was done by SSFCRC members, Jinny Courtney, Cheryl Mellon & Alison Schultz.
A reminder to all; if you have not yet paid your annual Club dues, please do so as soon as possible. You can take care of that here today. Checks should be made out to SSFCRC.
Meeting adjourned @1:54
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Cassidy
SSFCRC Recording Secretary