In true Flat-coat spirit of never wanting to grow up, being gentle and kind
yet still mischievous, the Meet the Breed Booth with it's Peter Pan theme was
a huge success at the Eukanuba Invitational in Tampa. Sponsored by the
Southern Skies Flat-coated Retriever Club, a tremendous THANKS goes out to
Lisa and Andy Tatem (Panama City, FL) for their long hours and hard work in
creating a booth that truly depicted the essence of our Flat- coats. Lisa
painted three awesome backdrops which were picture perfect in displaying the
personality of our beloved breed. A quote from well known author and FCR
owner, Nancy Laughton,
"He has a subtle and indefinable charm. He is an extrovert and an
optimist and the greatest of tailwaggers, so pleased is he with life. His
temperament is impeccable. He makes the most intelligent and kindly
companion, by giving generously of himself and the human race. He is always
ready for fun, even in advanced years, a canine PETER PAN."
was displayed along side a London scene of FCR "Peter Pan" flying
around with Wendy, John and Michael. The third panel depicted FCRs working in
various activities - field, search and rescue, obedience and conformation.
This gave the public a true feeling of the Flat-coats personality, character
and versatility. Our booth was a big hit amongst an extremely crowded
convention center both Saturday and Sunday. Thanks goes out to all our canine
ambassadors and their human counterparts who volunteered, including the Tatem
gang (Lisa, Andy, Heather, Holly and Katherine), Lois Cummings, Claire Koshar,
Joan Dever, Patty McClain, Leasa Gowett, Donna Post, Cynthia McCollum, Carol
Cassidy and her mother Marge, Kurt Anderson and Patty and
Alexandra Wagner