Summer 2010    
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Summer 2010

NEFHRC Hunt test in Callahan, Florida, 2009
Mallard Pointe Gone Klingon “Worf” CD SH WCX UH HR MX MXJ

My Flat Coated Retriever, Worf, and I were second to last in the Seasoned water test doing the double marks. It was a hot day (mid 80's) in the early afternoon. The first duck (or the “memory” bird) landed with a splash across the pond, on the edge of the water in the cattails. I gave Worf plenty of time to mark it by shooting early at the top of the arch, letting him hear the sound of the splash, and leaving the barrel of the shotgun pointed in that direction as long as I could. The second bird was the “go” bird or the "breaking" bird because it landed in the water close by on the left. But my Worf was steady. On command, he picked up the “go” bird and delivered it to hand.

Then, Worf swam directly to the area of the “memory” bird, established a hunt in the right area, made tight circles around the area, and shoved his muzzle in the water several times. Some dogs had trouble with this mark, even running up on the shore to search the bank. But Worf stayed in the water, searching in the shallow cattails.
Finally, he made one last jab and turned to swim straight back to me. I couldn't see anything in his mouth and I wasn’t sure if he had it. I heard the judges say they didn't think he had it. The judges even suggested that I handle Worf back to the cattails, but I waited. Worf was swimming back to me confidently, without hesitation, just as if he had it. I thought: "He must have it… he really acts like he's got it....." So I trusted my dog and did not whistle him to go back.

Sure enough, when he got within 10 feet of us, we could make out a few feathers sticking out beside his mouth. When he stepped out of the water, we could see he was holding a small duck by a few butt feathers, which must have been the only thing he could grab. The bird had sunk and became lodged in the cattails, but Worf smelled it and kept hunting for it, because he knew it was there! As he came up on the bank, he held on tightly to those butt feathers and delivered it perfectly to hand. I was so proud of him (and I think he was proud of himself, too)!

So, lesson for the day: learn how to read your dog and remember to trust him!

Susan Schultz, Jacksonville, FL


Destiny's Wrockosaurus Rex "Dino"

Dino plays flyball with Express Delivery, the flyball team in Central Florida, and this summer he became the #8 FCR in North America (US & Canada) in points. Dino is working on his ONYX title (20,000 points) and should achieve it this winter. He is owned and loved by Rob & Juli Bitler.


June 18, 2021
Dog AKC given Kennel Name

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July 02, 2021
Dog AKC given Kennel Name

Morbi pharetra mollis tempus. Donec leo urna, sodales vel imperdiet ut, adipiscing ac mi. Praesent laoreet imperdiet orci in posuere. Quisque ipsum lorem, interdum et adipiscing vitae, venenatis ac lectus. Vivamus sed dui porttitor quam venenatis posuere. Morbi pharetra mollis tempus. Morbi pharetra mollis tempus.